- Acknowledgement and agreement
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- Terms And Conditions Of Service
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- Accuracy Of Information
- Disclaimer Of Warranty
- Telephone Call Monitoring
- Distribution
- Testimonials
- Third-party
- Our Commitment To Responsible Internet Usage
- Electronic Communications Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Public Forums
By using the services offered by KickStart Trading Ltd, or using our website, the user agrees that the author and any other entities associated with KickStart Trading shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential loss or any damages whatsoever arising from this usage, or the use of any information, signals, messages, education, and any other information contained or disseminated in regard to its use and understanding. Use this site and the services offered by KickStart Trading at your own risk. Neither guarantee of performance results nor any anticipated return on investment is offered at any time. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. None of the information provided by KickStart Trading constitutes a solicitation to trade Forex or buy or sell any Forex contract.
By using the KickStart Trading website and other services provided, you agree not to hold KickStart Trading, or any of its affiliates, partners, or subsidiaries liable for decisions that are based on information contained in blog posts, reader responses to blog posts, or information anywhere else on their website or in promotional material.
Notwithstanding any other agreement or other communications between KickStart Trading and clients or potential clients to the contrary, receiving or using any material provided by KickStart Trading or accessing or using KickStart Trading’s website, at any time and through any means, whether directly or indirectly, represents acknowledgement and agreement by such person of the foregoing terms of the General Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions.
- Acknowledgement and agreement
- General disclaimer
- Risk Dicslosure Statement, Disclaimer And Indemnification
- Terms And Conditions Of Service
- Intellectual Property And Proprietary Information
- Accuracy Of Information
- Disclaimer Of Warranty
- Telephone Call Monitoring
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- Testimonials
- Third-party
- Our Commitment To Responsible Internet Usage
- Electronic Communications Policy
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- Public Forums
By continuing to access or use www.www.kickstarttrading.com, or any product or service provided by KickStart Trading, you signify YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE.
This brief statement does not disclose all the risks and other significant aspects of trading in leveraged investments. Considering the risks, you should undertake such transactions only if you understand the nature of the contracts (and contractual relationships) into which you are entering and the extent of your exposure to risk. You should carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you, with careful consideration paid to your experience, objectives, financial resources and other circumstances. Never trade with money you cannot afford to lose.
Trading foreign currencies can be a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for investors. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.
There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency. Investments in foreign exchange speculation may also be susceptible to sharp rises and falls as the relevant market values fluctuate. The leveraged nature of Forex trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. Not only may investors get back less than they invested, but in the case of higher risk strategies, investors may lose the entirety of their investment. It is for this reason that when speculating in such markets it is advisable to use only risk capital.
II. Risk Disclaimer for Forex Trading
III. Benefits and Risks of Leverage
Leverage affords traders the ability to enter a position worth many times the account value with a relatively small amount of money. This leverage can work with you as well as against you. Even though the Forex market offers traders the ability to use a high degree of leverage, trading with high leverage may increase the losses suffered. Please use caution when using leverage in trading or investing.
IV. Electronic Trading Risks
Before you engage in transactions using an electronic system, you should carefully review the rules and regulations of the exchanges offering the system and/or listing the instruments you intend to trade. Online trading has inherent risk due to system response and access times that may vary due to market conditions, system performance, and other factors. You should understand these and additional risks before trading.
V. KickStart Trading Market Opinions
All course materials, tools, and ancillary content purchased will be delivered in digital form unless otherwise stipulated or promised prior to the course enrolment.
Risk Warning! All content on www.www.kickstarttrading.com and content communicated in email correspondence, webinars, seminars, or other events, is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice, nor should it be construed as a replacement for investment advice from qualified financial advisors. KickStart Trading, its directors, management, traders, instructors and coaches will not be held responsible for any losses incurred by the client.
All information provided by www.www.kickstarttrading.com, KickStart Trading and its contractors is general advice and the client will use to apply this general advice and trade at their own risk.
While our trade ideas, from our wider understanding of and experience from trading the financial markets hold merit, they do not guarantee success or profit and you should not undertake the act of trading them unless you are fully aware of risk management and how to place an order with the broker correctly.
Users should understand that past performance is not indicative of future results and that the value of investments and income from them may go up as well as down and are not guaranteed.
You may lose the entire amount invested. With some leveraged investments such as spread bets and CFDs, your losses may potentially be unlimited.
You acknowledge and understand that KickStart Trading has invested a substantial amount of time and effort, and has incurred substantial costs, in developing its Proprietary Information. KickStart Trading’s Proprietary Information is not in the public domain and reasonable steps are continuously taken to ensure that this Proprietary Information remains secret. The term “Proprietary Information” shall mean trade secrets, confidential knowledge, data or any other proprietary information of KickStart Trading. This Proprietary Information is protected under The Trade Secrets (Enforcement, etc.) Regulations 2018. By way of illustration but not limitation, “Proprietary Information” includes trade secrets, inventions, ideas, patterns, processes, formulas, trading methods, source and object codes, data, programmes, compilations, written training course materials, know-how, improvements, discoveries, publications, developments, educational courses, designs and techniques, information regarding plans for research, development, new products, marketing and selling materials and methods, business plans, budgets and unpublished financial statements, licenses, methods of operations, prices and costs, business practices, customer sources and lists, and suppliers. KickStart Trading derives economic value, both actual and potential, from not having its Proprietary Information generally known or ascertainable by other persons who can obtain economic value from its unauthorized disclosure or use. Such Proprietary Information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of KickStart Trading. Specifically, you agree that you shall not for any reason, at any time, without the written consent of KickStart Trading, disclose to any person or entity any of KickStart Trading’s Proprietary Information.
Intellectual Property. www.www.kickstarttrading.com, including but not limited to text, content, photographs, video, audio and graphics, and goods (the “Service”), is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, international treaties, and/or other proprietary rights and laws of the United Kingdom and other countries. The Service is also protected as a collective work or completion under International copyright and other laws and treaties. All individual articles, columns and other elements making up the Service are also copyrighted works.
The content on this website is subject to change at any time without notice and is provided for the sole purpose of assisting clients to make independent decisions regarding their interest in KickStart Trading’s products and the Forex market. KickStart Trading has taken reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, however, does not guarantee its accuracy, and will not accept liability for any loss or damage which may arise directly or indirectly from the content or your inability to access the website, for any delay in or failure of the transmission or the receipt of any instruction or notifications sent through this website or distributed through other means. There are no explicit or implicit warranties of accuracy or timeliness made by KickStart Trading or its affiliates.
These same provisions apply to any and all educational products and services, trading systems, indicators, tools, publications, blog posts, opinion pieces, or any other material provided in connection with the same.
30-Day Moneyback Guarantee
If you, the student, are not happy with your enrolment, and you are on a payment (instalment plan), Section 1 applies. For full-payment clients, please view Section 2.
Section 1. Payment (Instalment) Plans
For purposes of convenience and affordability, KickStart Trading offers an instalment plan for enrolment in either the Ultimate Forex Trading Course™, or the Ultimate Forex Trading Course 90-Day Accelerator™ Program.
Generally, these arrangements are divided across 4 or 6 equal instalments. Once the student has made the initial payment, he/she will be granted full and immediate access to the course and all content. Access will remain granted, if payments are made on-time. Failure to pay on-time will result in suspension of access, until, of course, the issue is resolved, and payment made.
If, for any reason, the student is not happy with his/her purchase, they are entitled to a full refund of the initial payment, if the refund request is made within 30 calendar days of the date of initial payment, and provided the student has not consumed Lesson 15: KickStart’s Trading Strategies, either in part or in in its entirety. If the student has done so, he/she is entitled to a cancellation of future payments, but consumption of Lesson 15: KickStart’s Trading Strategies, forfeits the entitlement to refund of the initial payment.
No refunds will be granted, in whole or in part, beyond 30 calendar days from the date of enrolment. The student is liable for all payments as agreed in their instalment plan at the time of enrolment.
Section 2. Full-Payment clients
For students who enrol in either the Ultimate Forex Trading Course™, or the Ultimate Forex Trading Course 90-Day Accelerator™ Program, a full-refund is guaranteed by our 30-Day Moneyback Guarantee policy, no questions asked, if the refund request is made within 30 calendar days of the date of enrolment, and provided the student has not consumed Lesson 15: KickStart’s Trading Strategies, either in part or in in its entirety. If the student has consumed Lesson 15: KickStart’s Trading Strategies, either in part or in its entirety, they will still be entitled to a refund of up to 40% of the purchase/enrolment price, but consumption of Lesson 15: KickStart’s Trading Strategies, will result in forfeiture of 60% of the purchase price.
No refunds will be granted, in whole or in part, beyond 30 calendar days from the date of enrolment.
By enrolling in either the Ultimate Forex Trading Course™, or the Ultimate Forex Trading Course 90-Day Accelerator™ Program, the student agrees to these terms and conditions.
KickStart Trading may monitor and record telephone calls made to or from our offices for quality control and training purposes.
This site is not intended for distribution, or use by, any person in any country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. None of the services or investments referred to on this website is available to persons residing in any country where the provision of such services or investments would be contrary to local law or regulation. It is the responsibility of visitors to this website to ascertain the terms of their own country of residence and comply with any local law or regulation to which they are subject.
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- Communications include but are not limited to:
- agreements and policies to which you agree (e.g., the KickStart Trading Terms of Service and the KickStart Trading Privacy Policy), including updates to these agreements or policies;
- annual disclosures
- transaction receipts or confirmations; and
- any other information pertaining to our relationship with you or the product you purchased.
We will provide these Communications to you by posting them on the KickStart Trading website and/or by emailing them to you at the primary email address listed in your Agreement.
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In order to access and retain electronic Communications, course or product materials, or other electronic product or service, you will need the following computer hardware and software:
- a computer with an Internet connection;
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- sufficient storage space to save past Communications or an installed printer to print them.
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ii. How to Withdraw Consent
You may withdraw your consent to receive Communications electronically by writing to us at [email protected], or via post to:
KickStart Trading Ltd.
ATTN: Compliance
Cinnamon House
Cinnamon Park
Crab Ln
Fearnhead, Warrington
United Kingdom
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iii. Requesting Paper Copies of Electronic Communications
If, after you consent to receive Communications electronically, you would like a paper copy of a Communication previously sent to you, you may request a copy within 180 days of the date the Communication was provided to you by contacting us as described above. We will send your paper copy to you by Royal Mail. In order for us to send you paper copies; you must have a current and complete address on file. If you request paper copies, you understand and agree that KickStart Trading may charge you a Records Request Fee for each Communication.
iv. Updating Your Contact Information
It is your responsibility to keep your primary email address up to date so that KickStart Trading can communicate with you electronically. You understand and agree that if KickStart Trading sends you an electronic Communication but you do not receive it because your primary email address on file is incorrect, out of date, blocked by your service provider, or you are otherwise unable to receive electronic Communications, KickStart Trading will be deemed to have provided the Communication to you.
Please note that if you use a spam filter that blocks or re-routes emails from senders not listed in your email address book, you must add KickStart Trading to your email address book so that you will be able to receive the Communications we send to you.
You can update your primary email address or street address at any time by contacting KickStart Trading. If your email address becomes invalid such that electronic Communications sent to you by KickStart Trading are returned, KickStart Trading may deem you to be inactive, and you will not be able to access any information until we receive a valid, working primary email address from you.
This website is owned and operated by KickStart Trading Ltd. You can reach us by phone at +44 (0)20 39 82 2120 or email at [email protected]. Our address is Cinnamon House, Cinnamon Park, Crab Ln, Fearnhead, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom WA2 0XP
Our Commitment to Privacy
Your privacy is important to KickStart Trading. To reinforce our commitment to protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. This policy summarizes the information, including personally identifiable information, that we collect through our website and how that information may be used. By using our website you consent to the collection and use of this information.
We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time. In the event we make changes to any of the terms and/or conditions of this privacy policy, we will incorporate those changes into this document so you will know what information is being collected and how that information is being used. We will undertake best efforts to notify you of any changes to this privacy policy utilizing the last email address you have provided to us; however, it is your responsibility to keep your email address current and to monitor this policy for any changes. Continued use of this website and/or our services shall constitute as consent to this policy and any changes made hereto.
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We may collect and use your IP address to help administer services on our website as well as to improve your user experience. We do not use your IP address to collect any personally identifiable information. Demographic and interest data is also collected on our Website. We use this data to tailor the information emailed to our customers and to display the content according to their preferences.
We offer a variety of both free and paid services and products that will require your voluntary submission of information. The information that may be collected is as follows:
- Full Name
- Address, including street name, city/town, state and zip/postal code
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Country
- IP Address
- Payment Information
If you are purchasing products, we may use a third-party provider such as a payment processing provider (stripe, paypal, woocommerce) to collect a credit card number and related payment information or alternative methods of payment. If you provide information on third party sites, the privacy policy and terms of service on those sites are applicable.
We may also collect the information you provide about others, such as how you were referred to our website and programs.
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KickStart Trading Ltd. may use the information that you provide through our site in order to market our products and services as well as products and services from select third parties. Our goal is to utilise the information collected to ensure a positive experience with our company and website, as well as to help us understand what we can do to better serve you. We will also use this information to contact you when necessary.
Sharing Information
Privacy matters are very important to us and all available resources and processes are implemented to make sure your information remains safe and secure. We do not sell, license, lease or otherwise disclose your personal information to any third party for any reason except as noted herein.
We may share personal information described above with our affiliates for business purposes, such as, but not limited to, servicing customers and informing customers about new products and services, and as permitted by applicable law. Our affiliates may include companies controlled or owned by KickStart Trading Ltd. as well as companies that have an ownership interest in our company. The information we share with affiliates may include any of the information described above, such as your name, address and email address. Our affiliates maintain the privacy of your information to the same extent KickStart Trading does in accordance with this Policy.
Information may be shared with third parties that perform support services for KickStart Trading Ltd. such as non-affiliated companies that provide professional, legal, or accounting advice. Non-affiliated companies that assist us in providing services to you are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information to the extent they receive it and to use your personal information only in the course of providing such services, as directed by KickStart Trading. We may also disclose information in response to legal requests, such as a court order or subpoena.
As we develop our business, we might sell, buy, restructure or reorganise our business or assets. In the event of a merger, consolidation, sale, liquidation or transfer of assets, KickStart Trading may, in its sole and absolute discretion, transfer, sell or assign information collected, including without limitation, non-personal information and personal information, to one or more affiliated or unaffiliated third parties.
Public Forums
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Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy
If you do not wish to have your personal information disclosed to our affiliates, third parties or to be used by KickStart Trading Ltd. as described in this Policy please contact us via e-mail at: [email protected]
Or send a written request to:
KickStart Trading Ltd.
Attn: Compliance
Cinnamon House, Cinnamon Park
Crab Ln, Fearnhead
United Kingdom